The Temple of Phi Kappa Theta is the Fraternity’s official publication. The Temple has been published continually since it began in 1914 as the "Yippy Yappa of Phi Kappa” under the editorship of the late Edward H. Morrissey (Illinois, '15). In 1915 the name was changed to The Temple.

The Temple is printed and presented electronically twice a year to serve as the principal link between each member and the Fraternity. The magazine showcases members who continue to passionately serve the Mission. In addition, The Temple provides the reader with the most relevant information related to Phi Kappa Theta’s continued journey of establishing itself as a human development organization.

Submission deadlines are March 1 and September 1 of each year. Brothers and friends are encouraged to provide clippings, releases or notices about themselves or any aspect of Phi Kappa Theta for consideration. All submissions become property of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity. Pictures cannot be returned. Letters to the Editor will be printed at the discretion of the editor.

Click on the cover to view The Temple’s most recent issue.

Click on the cover to view The Temple’s most recent issue.

+ Current Issue Information

FALL 2019: Volume 102 / Number 2

Cover: Men of Achievement

Features in this edition include:

  • A Legacy of Leadership
  • A Testament to Resilience
  • 2018-2019 Chapter Awards and Recognition
  • Chapter Reports
  • If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?
  • Your Servant Leaders
  • Launching City-based Chapters
  • Performance Coach of the Year
  • Loyola Marymount Tradition
  • Turning Art into Action
  • Giving My Life Purpose
  • End of an Era

The Temple Staff:

  • Managing Editor: Keith Harshbarger (IUPUI, ’06)

  • Copy Editor: Gregory E. Stein (CCNY, ’70)

Contributing Writers:

  • Shawn Cramer (Western Theological Seminary, ‘A)
  • Kathy Jonas (Indiana University, ‘78)
  • Jeff Jowdy (University of Georgia, ‘83)
  • Matthew R. Miller (University of Nebraska, ‘12)
  • Gene C. Ney (Slippery Rock University, ‘90)
  • Robert W. Riggs, CAE (RPI, ‘02)
  • Nicholas R. Scalera (Seton Hall University, ‘63)
  • Justin E. Sines (Duquesne University, ‘11)

Visit our Issuu Page for past issues of The Temple.

Submit a story or Chapter Report

You may also submit materials via mail to the Phi Kappa Theta National Office.