
Phi Kappa Theta uses ONLY Authorized Vendors for its Merchandise Sales. This is necessary to protect the intellectual property of the Fraternity (such as the Fraternity Name, Badge design, Crest, and other Phi Kappa Theta-specific symbols). Allowing any company to use our trademarks without permission means that the Fraternity has no control over how our intellectual property is used. Also, unlicensed vendors are profiting from the Fraternity without paying royalties and with no guarantee of quality. Licensed Vendors care enough to make sure our trademarks are used in an accurate and positive manner.

Visit the Phi Kappa Theta page on the Greek Licensing Website to see a full list of Authorized Vendors. Always look for the Greek Licensing Crest wherever Greek Products are sold to confirm they are an authorized Vendor.

In addition, Greek Licensing has developed GreekQuote, an Easy online price-check system. Your chapter inputs the type of merchandise it wants to purchase (T-shirts, Party Favors, etc) and the specifics of the merchandise (color, quantity, design, inscription, etc). This information (kept confidential) is sent to the appropriate licensed vendors in your area. The vendors submit bids for your chapter to consider. You get quotes with easy-to-read prices such as "$7 per T-shirt” with no hidden costs (shipping is included). Just choose the bid you prefer, and you’re all set.

If you currently use a local vendor who is unlicensed, refer them to so that they can become Officially Licensed. This is a benefit for them, as they can become licensed by roughly 72 National Greek Organizations, and can then receive business from local chapters of all of those organizations.

Eli Snider, FEA’s Director of Operations, explains the importance of using Greek Licensed vendors – as opposed to non-licensed vendors – in order to protect our beloved signs and symbols.

Presentation Part I

Presentation Part II