Download and read 80+ issues of the Temple Magazine of Phi Kappa Theta.

Past issues The Temple Magazine issues have been painstakingly scanned, restored and enhanced from their original print copy, these digital versions are completely searchable and available for viewing anywhere, anytime.

Before 2007 The Temple Magazine was not available in the easy to search PDF format.

All images show up as they appeared in their respective issue. Issues before 2007 are as is, which means content is just as it appeared in print.

Please enjoy this site as a part of the Fraternity’s living history. Feel free to contact with comments or questions regarding the magazine.


The conversion process isn’t perfect, so when you open up your selected PDF to search for what you are looking for, you may try mixing up how you search. For example, if you are searching for the name “Kirchner”, you may try a few letters at a time, like “Kirc”. Sometimes the conversion process only connects certain parts of a word. So it may add a “space” between letters from time-to-time. Using this shortened search process may increase your result accuracy.*

*please note that links and items for sale in past issues may not still be available.